Technical Support

We solve your problem! Fast and reliable!

Even after the introduction of our products, our support team offers competent assistance at any time, be it with questions about the products or if quick solutions to problems are required. Just choose your preferred contact option - we will be happy to support you!

There for you at any time: Our ISD support portal

Simply open a ticket for your support request via our ISD Support Portal. This way you can keep track of your support requests at all times and follow the processing status. Everything is transparent and user-friendly.

New support request for HiCAD

New support request for HELiOS

Overview of existing support requests

ISD Support by phone and TeamViewer

Our employees are experienced professionals with a high level of technical expertise and a long affiliation with ISD. And this is how they work: fast and pragmatic, always with an effective and safe solution in mind.

You can reach us Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Friday until 3:00 pm.

  • Telefonsupport Deutschland +49 (231) 9793-166
  • Telefonsupport Österreich +43 (732) 210422-28
  • Telefonsupport Schweiz +41 (32) 62413-47
  • Telefonsupport Frankreich +33 (4) 817632-79
  • Telefonsupport Niederlande +31 (73) 6153-888

If required, we can connect directly to your workstation or show you solutions on our systems. You can start the necessary software either via the help menu in our programs or directly by clicking on the TeamViewer logo.

Advertise yourself and become an ISD reference customer!

We offer you our platforms to present your projects the way they deserve. Simply submit your model drawings to us via the ISD Filecenter - we will publish them on our website and our social media channels. Maybe you'll even make it into our ISD Calendar 2024!

Click here to upload your project

For even more security:
The ISD Software Maintenance Contract

Everything is in here for you. Always work with the latest technology from HiC and HEL. Whether updates with new functions or optimizing patches - your software is always up to date. And should things not run smoothly for you: Our ISD support is included in the maintenance contract. If you have any problems or other questions, we are happy to support you at any time. Take the easy and efficient way and get information about the ISD Software Maintenance Contract.

My ISD account